Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Allergy Update on Karsynn

We had our visit with Dr. Overbeck yesterday, and Karsynn did wonderful with the allergy testing. However, we found out that she is severly allergic to her best friend, Gigi Dog, AKA Bentley. The allergist suggested we find a new home for him, but we're not sure what we'll do just yet. Her reaction to him is not severe at this time, so I guess we'll have to see. She is also allergic to dust, molds, and some seasonal weeds and trees, which comes with living in Kentucky. The thing I struggle with, is that she can't live in a bubble for her whole life. There are some things you simply can't do anything about. I guess we'll just have to weigh our options and decide then. As for now, she's taking Flovent and a nasal spray, so we'll see how those work for her. For all of those who have said prayers and have asked daily about her, this post if for you. Thank you for caring so much about our daughter! It means the world to us to be in your thoughts and prayers. It's great to have such wonderful, caring friends. Thank you!

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