Thursday, August 10, 2006

Whoever Holds You Tonight

Whoever holds you tonight
I pray that she has a kind heart
and a gentle spirt and that she
is loving you like her very own.

Whoever holds you tonight
I pray that she smiles a sweet smile
as she looks into your eyes and
sings you the sweetest Chinese lullaby.

Whoever holds you tonight
I pray that she whispers to you ever
so softly that your Mama and Baba are
coming for your very soon.

Whoever holds you tonight
I pray that she speaks to you of the
life that you will one day have in America
and that she assures you everything will be ok.

Whoever holds you tonight
I pray that she knows how much we love her
for taking such good care of you. I pray
that God blesses her life richly for the good that
she does.

Whoever holds you tonight
I wish that whoever was me
and one day it will be.


1 comment:

Colleen said...

Whoa....OK - that brought me to tears. Oh so true!!