Saturday, October 01, 2005

The I-171H has ARRIVED!!!!!!!!!!

Well, after many long weeks of checking the mailbox daily hoping to find "the final document" and nothing being there, our wait is finally over, but not without a few issues, of course. We received our I-171H on Monday of this past week. We were so elated, that we didn't even bother to check over it to see that it was correct, that is until later on that night. After checking it over, we found not one, but TWO mistakes. Troy's name was listed as Troy D. Harfield and my middle name was Rend and not Rena. After 72 days, you'd think they could at least get our names correct?? So, I made a phone call to Sen. McConnell's office to see if they could get things straigtened out for us in a timely manner, and they did. The updated (correct) version of the document arrived on Thursday, THANK GOODNESS. Troy took Friday off from work, and rushed our completed Home Study and the I-171H to Frankfort for authentication. Then, he stopped by AHH to see our Family Advocate, Ebbie. After checking things over, Ebbie felt that we were ready to FedEx our documents to Washington, D.C. to be hand-delivered to the Sec. of State's office for authentication, and finally to the Chinese Consulates office. When this has been done, the courier will FedEx the documents back to our agency, hopefully by this Friday, and our paperwork will be off to China. From the time China receives our Dossier, we have a 6 to 7 month wait for our referral, at which time we will see our first pictures of our daughter and will receive her birth and medical information. The wait will be long and difficult, but well worth it when they place her in our arms. To all of you who've said a prayer for us lately, we say, "Thank You!"

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