Friday, February 29, 2008

We have a sick girl, AGAIN...

Karsynn is sick, yet again. Mommy took the day off to stay home and take care of her today. She has been running a high fever, so we're rotating Motrin and Tylenol. She went to see an ENT doctor today, and he suggested putting tubes in her ears at the end of March. She's keeping fluid built up in them, so there must be a drainage problem. I'm NOT looking forward to this at all, so please pray that God will take care of her through it all. If that's what we have to do, then we will. I just can stand the thought of my little one in pain. They say it's a fairly simple procedure and she'll never even remember having it done, so that makes me feel a little better. I'll keep you posted as to what happens. Right now, we need your prayers that her pain eases and her fever breaks, so she, and we, can get some rest.


Linda said...

Prayers coming your way for your little one to be well. It is the hardest thing when your children are sick and you can only do so much... This too shall pass..Linda

Sue Jolly said...

I know how you feel about your little one facing the procedure of having tubes places in her ears. Joy my oldest China doll granddaughter had to have tubes in her ears and she did fine with them. My prayers are with you and your little one. God bless this family and give them peace.